- one of eleven bird houses
- Green Grocers moving onto site
- knapweed control
The VIP continues to upgrade infrastructure on the water system and electrical power.
The industrial park manages to control noxious weeds like Knapweed and is 95% weed-free.
2023– Lessees
- Cedar Valley Holdings
- BC Stone Corp
- Sawmill (VIP)
- Village Greens
- Trans Mountain Pipeline
- Valemount Community Forest
- Dunkley
- Canfor
- Remcan Projects LP
- Telus
- Treasures of the Forest
- Clearstream Energy Services LP
- AAA Logging Ltd
- Pepsico
- Strad
2017 -Cedar Valley Holdings moved onto VIP Jason and Brianne Alexander.
2014-The community forest purchased the industrial park with assistance from NDIT and CBT